Contributions at conferences (most recent only)
- Budzinski, W., Czajkowski, M., Welfare measures and demand predictions in volumetric choice experiments. REE/JEEM Workshop on Nonmarket Valuation, 2024-07-03, Leuven
- Zawojska, M., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Valuing tap water quality improvements using stated preference methods: Does the number of discrete choice alternatives matter?. 29'th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024-07-03, Leuven
- Czajkowski, Browning, E., Chalak, A., Christie, M., M., Drummond, R., Hanley, N., Jones, K., Provins, A., Valuing the economic benefits of species recovery programmes. 28'th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2023-06-29, Limassol
- Zawadzki, W., Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Budzinski, W., Le Clec'h, S., Markiewicz, O., Matzdorf, B., Opatrný, M., Rommel, J., Sagebiel, J., Schulze, C., Ščasný, M., van Bussel, L., Farmers’ preferences for practice and result-based agri-environmental contracts to conserve biodiversity. 28'th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2023-06-29, Limassol
- Zawadzki, W., Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Budzinski, W., Le Clec'h, S., Markiewicz, O., Matzdorf, B., Opatrný, M., Rommel, J., Sagebiel, J., Schulze, C., Ščasný, M., van Bussel, L., Farmers’ preferences for practice and result-based agri-environmental contracts to conserve biodiversity. 4th Ecosystem Services Partnership Europe Conference, 2022-10-11, Heraklion
- Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., Using multiple discrete-continuous choice models in stated preference research, ENVECHO 9th European Workshop on Discrete Choice Experiments, 2022-09-21, Amsterdam
- Czajkowski, M., Zawojska, E., Budziński, W., Using inferred valuation to disentangle response biases in stated preference discrete choice experiments, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-25, Reykiavik
- White, B., Jusypenko, B., Czajkowski, M, Using choice experiments to value immovable cultural heritage in Australia, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-24, Reykiavik
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Zawadzki, W., Budziński, W., Popławski, B., Markiewicz, O., Matzdorf, B., Schulze, C., Rommel, J., Sagebiel, J., van Bussel, L., Opatrný M., Ščasný, M., Does accounting for discrete-continuous choices matter? A case study of farmers’ preferences for practice- vs. result-based agri-environmental-climate measures, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-25, Reykiavik
- Schulze, C., Sagebiel, J., Czajkowski, M., Rommel, J., Matzdorf, B., Zagórska, K., Zawadzki, W., Bid-vector and elicitation format effects in incentivecompatible contingent valuation, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-24, Reykiavik
- Łaniewski, S., Czajkowski, M., Sobolewski, M., Giergiczny, M., Cost Levels Anchoring in Discrete Choice Experiments, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-24, Reykiavik
- Aanesen, M., Czajkowski, M., Lindhjem, H., Navrud, S., Measuring social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway – A choice modelling approach, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-24, Reykiavik
- Sandorf, E., Börger, T., Campbell, D., Crastes Dit Sourd, R., Czajkowski, M., Hess, S., Jacobsen, J., Olsen, S., Lindhjem, H., Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J., Exploring status quo effects in stated preference experiments: A meta style analysis, International Choice Modelling Conference, 2022-05-23, Reykiavik
- Czajkowski, M., Bylicki, M., Budziński, W., and Buczyński, M., forthcoming. Valuing externalities of outdoor advertising in an urban setting – the case of Warsaw, 2021-06-25, Berlin (virtual)
- Hanley, N., Czajkowski, M., Andersen, H. E., Blicher-Mathiasen, G., Budziński, W., Elofsson, K., Hagemejer, J., Hasler, B., Humborg, C., Smart, J. C. R., Smedberg, E., Thodsen, H., Wąs, A., Wilamowski, M., Żylicz, T., Increasing the cost-effectiveness of nutrient reduction targets using different spatial scales, 2021-06-25, Berlin (virtual)
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M.,On the inference about willingness to pay distribution using contingent valuation data, 2021-06-25, Berlin (virtual)
- Czajkowski, M., Zagórska, K., Markiewicz, O., Schulze, C., Ex-ante analysis of novel contracts, Contracts 2.0 project meeting, 2019-11-12, Aberdeen
- Czajkowski, M., Zawojska, E., Budziński, W., Endogeneity of Self-Reported Consequentiality in Stated Preference Studies, VIII European Workshop on Discrete Choice Experiments, 2019-09-30, Verona
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., Wąs A., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes, 24'rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019-06-27, Manchester
- Zawojska, E., Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., Endogeneity of Self-Reported Consequentiality in Stated Preference Studies, The LEEP Institute's Meeting of International Excellence in Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019-06-24, Extere
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., Wąs A., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes, The LEEP Institute's Meeting of International Excellence in Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019-06-24, Extere
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., Wąs A., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes, The 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE), 2019-06-19, Tel Aviv
- Czajkowski, M., Buczyński, M., Budziński, W., Replicability, simulation error and robustness to non-parametric treatment of preference heterogeneity in discrete choice models. Chair of Microeconomics meeting, 2019-03-04, Warsaw
- Czajkowski, M., K. Zagórska, CAP after 2020 – challenges and opportunities. Regional perspective: Poland. European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Behavioural Insights, 2019-02-21, Sevilla
- Czajkowski, M., New research program devoted to enhancing the validity and robustness of stated preference valuation methods in the face of selected behavioral phenomena and biasesand robustness to non-parametric treatment of preference heterogeneity in discrete choice models. National Science Cenre of Poland grant application, 2019-01-30, Kraków
- Czajkowski, M., Buczyński, M., Budziński, W., Replicability and robustness to non-parametric treatment of preference heterogeneity in discrete choice models. ENVECHO VII European Workshop on Discrete Choice Experiments, 2018-10-01, Catania
- Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models. 33rd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, 71st European Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2018-08-27, Cologne
- Czajkowski, M., Buczyński, M., Budziński, W., Replicability, simulation error and robustness to non-parametric treatment of preference heterogeneity in discrete choice models. The 25'th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, 2018-06-20, Ulvön
- Czajkowski, M., Andersen, H. E., Blicher-Mathiasen, G., Elofsson, W. B. K., Hagemejer, J., Hasler, B., Humborg, C., Smedberg, J. S. E., Stålnacke, P., Thodsen, H., Wąs, A., Żylicz, M. W. T., and Hanley, N., Improving the cost-effectiveness of water quality improvements through spatial scale changes to target-setting. The 3rd Bonus Symposium: Sustainable Ecosystem Governance Under Changing Climate And Land Use In The Baltic Sea Region, 2018-03-16, Gdańsk
- Czajkowski, M., Hasler, B., Elofsson, K., Hansen, L., Häggmark, J. H. T., Konrad, M., Nielsen, H., Niiskanen, O., Pedersen, T. N. A. B., Petersen, K., and Zagórska, K., Exploring farmers’ preferences for implementing agri-environmental schemes – a cross country comparison of schemes as incentives for nutrient abatement in Baltic Sea catchments. The 3rd Bonus Symposium: Sustainable Ecosystem Governance Under Changing Climate And Land Use In The Baltic Sea Region, 2018-03-15, Gdańsk
- Zandersen, M., Czajkowski, M., Angelidis, I., Aslam, U., Becker, T., Budziński, W., and Zagórska, K., Spatially-explicit model of the Baltic Sea-based recreation demand – identifying recreational hotspots and the influence of environmental conditions. The 3rd Bonus Symposium: Sustainable Ecosystem Governance Under Changing Climate And Land Use In The Baltic Sea Region, 2018-03-15, Gdańsk
- Czajkowski, M., What will economics teach me? University of Warsaw Department of Economics Inauguration Lecture 2017, 2017-09-25, Warsaw
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., and Wąs, A., 2017. Farmers’ preferences for Agri Environmental Schemes in the Biebrza Valley. "Provide" project meeting, 2017-09-24, Cordoba
- Zawojska, E., Bartczak, E., and Czajkowski, M., Disentangling impacts of policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences. 19th Annual Colorado University Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop, 2017-09-15, Vail
- Czajkowski, M., and Budziński, W., Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models. 23'rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017-06-30, Athens
- Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., Hybrid Choice Models and accounting for the endogeneity of indicator variables: a Monte Carlo investigation. 23'rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017-06-30, Athens
- Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., Mixed Logit, Geographically Weighted Choice Models, or One-Step Bayesian Estimation? Pre-Conference Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of Stated Preferences, 23'rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017-06-28, Athens
- Zawojska, E., Bartczak, A., Czajkowski, M., Disentangling impacts of policy and policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences. Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Meeting, 2017-06-21, Montréal
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Are preferences stated in web vs. personal interviews different? A comparison of willingness to pay results for a large multi-country study of the Baltic Sea eutrophication reduction. Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Meeting, 2017-06-20, Montréal
- Zawojska, E., Bartczak, A., Czajkowski, M., Disentangling impacts of policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences. 6’th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2017-06-02, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N., and Hanley, N., The role of risk aversion and knowledge in shaping consumers’ preferences towards GMO labelling policies. International Conference at the Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) of ETH Zurich: Human Dimensions of Environmental Risks - Behavioural Experiments, Field Experiments, Survey Research, 2017-05-24, Monte Verità, Ascona
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N., and Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. Manchester Environmental Economics Workshop, 2017-05-04, Manchester
- Czajkowski, M., and Budziński, W., Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Czajkowski, M., Boyce, C., and Hanley, N., Personality and Economic Choices. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Czajkowski, M., and Hanley, N., Choice modelling and nature conservation. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., Hybrid Choice Models and accounting for the endogeneity of indicator variables: a Monte Carlo investigation. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Vossler, C. A., Budziński, W., and Wiśniewska, A., Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preference methods. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N. and Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Sobolewski, M., and Czajkowski, M., Strategic use of call externalities for entry deterrence. The case of Polish mobile telephony market. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Tjiong, J., Czajkowski, M., Hess, S., Dekker, T., and Giergiczny, M., Disentangling status quo bias and zero-price effect for more robust estimation of welfare changes. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town
- Bartczak, A., Chilton, S., Czajkowski, M., and Meyerhoff, J., Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy extarnalities. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-03, Cape Town
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Zagórska, K., Aslam, U., Angelidis, I., Becker, T., Zandersen, M., Coastal recreation valuation – discrete choice model. BalticApp, University of Stockholm, 2017-03-28, Stockholm
- Faccioli, M., Kuhfuss, L., and Czajkowski, M., Stated Preferences for Conservation Policies under Uncertainty: Insights on Individuals’ Risk Attitudes in the Environmental Domain. Envecon 2017: Applied Environmental Economics Conference, The Royal Society, 2017-03-03, London
- Zawojska, E., Aigars, J., Czajkowski, M., Pakalniete, K., Strake, S., and Hanley, N., Understanding the distribution of economic benefits from improving coastal and marine ecosystems. Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology Brown Bag Seminar, University of Alberta, 2016-11-03, Edmonton
- Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Kądziela, T., Nyborg, K., Zagórska, K., Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviors: the case of household recycling. Workshop on Environment and Behaviour: Application to Waste Management, LAMETA (University of Montpellier, University of Paul-Valéry Montpellier, INRA, CNRS, SupAgro), 2016-10-13, Montpellier
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., The effects of different specifications of standard deviations in the MXL model. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-06, Warsaw
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Choice task blocking and design efficiency. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-06, Warsaw
- Zagórska K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki N., Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-06, Warsaw
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A. and Vossler, C. A., Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods. 'Economics Brown Bag' seminar, University of Alberta, 2016-10-05, Edmonton
- Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., Hybrid Choice Models and accounting for endogeneity of indicator variables: a Monte Carlo investigation. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-05, Warsaw
- Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Czajkowski, M., Demšar, U., and Hanley, N., The overview of methods to account for spatially explicit preference heterogeneity. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-05, Warsaw
- Zagórska K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki N., Hanley, N., Preferencje konsumentów względem polityki znakowania produktów GMO: Analiza wyborów dyskretnych. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2016-09-24, Serock
- Budzinski, W., Czajkowski, Hybrid Choice Models and accounting for the endogeneity of indicator variables: a Monte Carlo investigation. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2016-09-24, Serock
- Szkop, Z., Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Żylicz, T., Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Park in Wilanów. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2016-09-24, Serock
- Szkop, Z., Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Żylicz, T., Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Park in Wilanów. ECOSERV - 4'th Polish National Symposium on Ecosystem Services in transdisciplinary approach, 2016-09-06, Poznań
- Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Kądziela, T., Nyborg, K., Zagórska K., Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviors: the case of household recycling. Scotland's Rural College, 2016-08-31, Edinburgh
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Demšar, U., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management. James Hutton Institute, 2016-07-27, Aberdeen
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Demšar, U., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management. Laboratory of Forest Economics Biennial Workshop, INRA, 2016-06-30, Nancy
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., and Giergiczny, M., Valuing tap water quality improvements using stated preference methods – does the number of discrete choice alternatives matter? 157'th EAAE Seminar ‘Methodological and empirical challenges in Valuation Methods’, 2016-06-30, Barcelona
- Sobolewski, M., and Czajkowski, M., Estimating call externalities in mobile telephony in Poland. Warsaw International Economic Meeting, 2016-06-29, Warsaw
- Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Hanley N., Impact of local and national social norm information on respondents' choices regarding waste sorting at household level. EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School: "Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics", 2016-06-28, Venice
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Demšar, U., and Hanley, N., Using geographically weighted choice models to account for spatial heterogeneity of preferences. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-24, Zurich
- Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., Barczak, A., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., Preference and WTP stability for public forest management. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-24, Zurich
- Bartczak, A., Chilton, S., Czajkowski, M., and Meyerhoff, J., The impact of risk preferences and loss aversion on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy externalities. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-24, Zurich
- Vondolia, G. K., Armstrong, C. W., Kahui, V., Aanesen, M., and Czajkowski, M., Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-24, Zurich
- Zawojska, E., Pakalniete, K., Aigars, J., Czajkowski, M., Strake, S., and Hanley, N., Accounting for preference heterogeneity for environmental improvements: The case of coastal and marine waters of Latvia. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-23, Zurich
- Nõmmann, T., Czajkowski, M., Karlõševa, A., Nõmmann, S., Urbel-Piirsalu, E., Budziński, W., and Hanley, N., Marine trade-offs: comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-23, Zurich
- Hanley, N., Boyce, C., Czajkowski, M., Noussair, C., Townsend, M., and Tucker, S., Sad or Happy? The effects of emotions on stated preferences for environmental goods. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-23, Zurich
- Valasiuk, S., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Veisten, K., Halse, A. H., Mata, I. L., and Żylicz, T., Are Transboundary Nature Protected Areas – International Public Goods? Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2016-06-23, Zurich
- Wiśniewska, A., Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., Melpomene in need. Site choice model for theaters in Warsaw. 19'th International Conference on Cultural Economics, 2016-06-21, Valladolid
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., and Giergiczny, M., Valuing tap water quality improvements using stated preference methods – does the number of discrete choice alternatives matter? 4'th Workshop On Non-Market Valuation, 2016-06-20, Bordeaux
- Czajkowski, M., Karlõševa, A., Nõmmann, S., Nõmmann, T., Urbel-Piirsalu, E., Budziński, W., and Hanley, N., Marine trade-offs: comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas. International Workshop “Experiments for Environmental Policy Formation”, 2016-04-14, Stirling
- Wiśniewska, A., Czajkowski, M., Utilizing the Discrete Choice Experiment Approach for Designing a Socially Efficient Cultural Policy. The Case of Municipal Theaters in Warsaw. 41'st International Conference of Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, 2015-12-10, Adelaide
- Czajkowski, M., Ščasný, M., and Zvěřinová, I., Acceptability of Climate Change Policies. A review of the literature and preliminary resultsIs. CECILIA2050 Final Conference, 2015-06-30, Brussels
- Nyborg, K., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviour. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-27, Helsinki
- Barbier, E. B., Czajkowski, M., and Hanley, N., Is the income elasticity of the willingness to pay for pollution control constant? Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-26, Helsinki
- Zawojska, E., Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A. and Vossler, C. A., Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-26, Helsinki
- Czajkowski, M., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Budziński, W., Hasler, B., Hasselström, L., Meyerhoff, J., Nõmmann, T., Semeniene, D., Söderqvist, T., Tuhkanen, H., Lankia, T., Vanags, A., Zandersen, M., Żylicz, T., and Hanley, N., Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-26, Helsinki
- Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., Campbell, D., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-25, Helsinki
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C., Czajkowski, M., Falk-Petersen, J., Hanley, N., and Navrud, S., Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: Preserving cold-water corals in Norway. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-25, Helsinki
- Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Czajkowski, M., and Meyerhoff, J., Performance of different approaches in international benefit transfer: Insights from a nine country experiment. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-25, Helsinki
- Simpson, K., Czajkowski, M, Hanley, N., LaRiviere J., Horseracing Different Models of Information Assimilation: Experimental Evidence for Public Goods. Annual Conference of the Environmental and Resource Economists Association, 2015-06-25, Helsinki
- Zawojska, E., M. Czajkowski, M. Giergiczny, Does the Number of Alternatives Matter For Stated Preferences, 2015-04-27, Warsaw
- Czajkowski M., W. Budziński, An insight into the numerical simulation bias – a comparison of efficiency and performance of different types of quasi Monte Carlo simulation methods under a wide range of experimental conditions, Environmental Choice Modelling Conference, 2015-01-27, Copenhagen
- Czajkowski M., A. Bartczak, Popyt na publiczną oświatę na poziomie szkoły podstawowej i gimnazjum – wyniki badania metodą wyboru warunkowego, prezentacja dla Instytutu Badań Edukacyjnych 2014-12-05, Warszawa
- Fischer A., Y. Weldesemaet, M. Czajkowski, D. Tadie, N. Hanley, 2014, Trophy hunting for wildlife conservation? On sport hunters’ willingness to pay for conservation and community benefits, 16th BIOECON Conference – Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability, Cambridge, UK
- Kardas P., Kurczewska M., Czajkowski M., Patients’ preferences as to the solid forms of oral medications – results of the discrete choice experiment in Polish outpatients, 43’rd ESCP Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Zawojska E., Budziński W., Czajkowski M., Wiśniewska A., Vossler C., The role of consequentiality. Evidence from a field Discrete Choice Experiment, Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics: “Spatial context and valuing natural capital for conservation planning”, Belpasso, Italy
- Czajkowski M., Giergiczny M., Are People Deterministic? Exploring Decision Rules with the Use of Individual Level Models, 5’th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul, Turkey
- Simpson K., Czajkowski M., Hanley N., LaRiviere J., What Is the Causal Effect of Information and Learning about a Public Good on Willingness to Pay? Evidence From an Incentive Compatible Field Experiment, 5’th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul, Turkey
- Czajkowski M., Hanley N., LaRiviere J., 2014, Modeling the effects of information in random utility-based stated preference methods, 3’rd International Conference on Discrete Choice Modelling, Padua, Italy