Supplementary materials
Supplementary materials - questionnaires, datasets, codes, additional modeling results etc.
Note that some of the datasets may not be exclusively mine – if you wish to use them for your own work, please contact me for permissions.
- Browning, E.,Christie, M., Czajkowski, M., Chalak, A., Drummond, R., Hanley, N., Jones, K., Kuyer, J., and Provins, A., Valuing the economic benefits of species recovery programmes, People and Nature
- Czajkowski, M., Zandersen, M., Angelidis, I., Aslam, U., Becker, T., Budziński, W., Zagórska, K., Recreational Value of the Baltic Sea: a Spatially Explicit Site Choice Model Accounting for Environmental Conditions.
- Czajkowski, M., Meade, N., Motta, R.S.d., Ortiz, R.A., Welsh, M., Blanc, G.C., 2023. Estimating environmental and cultural/heritage damages of a tailings dam failure: The case of the Fundão dam in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
- Czajkowski, M., E. Zawojska, N. Meade, R. Seroa da Motta, M. Welsh, and R. A. Ortiz. 2023. On the inference about willingness to pay distribution using contingent valuation data.
- Valasiuk, S., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Żylicz, T., Veisten, K., Mata, I.L., Halse, A.H., Angelstam, P., forthcoming. Attitudinal Drivers of Home Bias in Public Preferences for Transboundary Nature Protected Areas.
- Giergiczny, M., J. Jacobsen, K. Glenk, J. Meyerhoff, J. Abildtrup, F. Agimass, M. Czajkowski, M. Faccioli, T. Gajderowicz, M. Getzner, T. Lundhede, M. Mayer, A. McVittie, R. Olschewski, N. Strange, S. Valasiuk, forthcoming, Shaping the future of temperate forests in Europe: why outdoor recreation matters
- Czajkowski, M., Bylicki, M., Budziński, W., and Buczyński, M., forthcoming. Valuing externalities of outdoor advertising in an urban setting – the case of Warsaw.
- Czajkowski, M., Andersen, H. E., Blicher-Mathiasen, G., Budziński, W., Elofsson, K., Hagemejer, J., Hasler, B., Humborg, C., Smart, J. C. R., Smedberg, E., Stålnacke, P., Wąs, A., Wilamowski, M., Żylicz, T., and Hanley, N., forthcoming. Increasing the cost-effectiveness of water quality improvements through pollution abatement target-setting at different spatial scales.
- Decker, C., Hanley, N., Czajkowski, M., Morrison, T.A., Keyyu, J., Munishi, L., Lankester, F., Cleaveland, S., forthcoming. Predicting uptake of a malignant catarrhal fever vaccine by pastoralists in northern Tanzania: opportunities for improving livelihoods and ecosystem health.
- Colombo, S., Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., and Glenk, K., Ex-ante and ex-post measures to mitigate hypothetical bias. Are they alternative or complementary tools to increase the reliability and validity of DCE estimates?
- Czajkowski, M., Zagórska, K., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., Wąs, A., 2019. Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in a globally important bird area.
- Czajkowski, M., Zagórska, K., Hanley, N., forthcoming. Social norm nudging and preferences for household recycling. Resource and Energy Economics.
- Hasler, B., Czajkowski, M., Nielsen, H.Ø., Elofsson, K., Hansen, L.B., Konrad, M., Niiskanen, O., Noman, T., Pedersen, A.B., Petersen, K., Poltimäe, H., Häggmark, T., Zagórska, K., forthcoming. Farmers' preferences for nutrient and climate related agri-environmental contracts - a cross country comparison. AMBIO.
- Boyce, C., M. Czajkowski, and N. Hanley. 2019. Personality and economic choices. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 94:82-100.
- Czajkowski, M., and Budziński, W., 2019. Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models.
- Faccioli, M., Czajkowski, M., Glenk, K., and Martin-Ortega, J., Environmental attitudes and place identity as simultaneous determinants of preferences for environmental goods.
- Czajkowski, M., Gajderowicz, T., Giergiczny, M., Grotkowska, G., and Sztandar-Sztanderska, U., Choosing the future: economic preferences for higher education using discrete choice experiment method.
- Wiśniewska, A., Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M., 2019. An economic valuation of access to cultural institutions: museums, theatres, and cinemas.
- Faccioli, M., Kuchfuss, L., Czajkowski, M., forthcoming. Stated Preferences for Conservation Policies under Uncertainty: Insights on the Effect of Individuals' Risk Attitudes in the Environmental Domain. Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Zawojska, E., Bartczak, A., Czajkowski, M., forthcoming. Disentangling the effects of payment and provision consequentiality and risk preferences on stated preferences.
- Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Czajkowski, M., Demsar, U., and Hanley, N., forthcoming. Using geographically weighted choice models to account for spatial heterogeneity of preferences. Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- Tienhaara, A., Ahtiainen, H., Pouta, E., and Czajkowski, M., Role of information in the valuation of unfamiliar goods – the case of genetic resources in agriculture.
- Carson, R., and Czajkowski, M., A New Baseline Model for Estimating Willingness to Pay from Discrete Choice Models.
- Valasiuk, S., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Żylicz, T., Veisten, K., Mata, I. L., Halse, A. H., Elbakidze, M., and Angelstam, P., Is Landscape Restoration Socially Desirable? A Discrete Choice Experiment applied to Forest Renaturation in the Transboundary Fulufjället Area.
- Pakalniete, K., Aigars, J., Czajkowski, M., Strake, S., Zawojska, E., and Hanley, N., Understanding the distribution of economic benefits from improving coastal and marine ecosystems.
- Armstrong, C. W., Kahui, V., Vondolia, G. K., Aanesen, M., and Czajkowski, M., Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections.
- Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Kronenberg, J., and Englin, J. E., The Individual Travel Cost Method with Consumer-Specific Values of Travel Time Savings.
- Czajkowski, M., Vossler, C. A., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E., Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preference methods.
- Bartczak, A., Chilton, S., Czajkowski, M., and Meyerhoff, J., Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy extarnalities.
- Czajkowski, M., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., and Meyerhoff, J., forthcoming. Choosing a functional form for an international benefit transfer: Evidence from a nine-country valuation experiment. Ecological Economics.
- Czajkowski, M., Barczak, A., Budziński, W., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., 2016. Preference and WTP stability for public forest management. Forest Policy and Economics, 71:11-22.
- Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Campbell, D., Giergiczny, M., and Hanley, N., forthcoming. Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management. Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Boyce, C., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Noussair, C., Townsend, M., and Tucker, S., forthcoming. Sad or Happy? The effects of emotions on stated preferences for environmental goods. Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Karlõševa, A., Nõmmann, S., Nõmmann, T., Urbel-Piirsalu, E., Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M., and Hanley, N., 2016. Marine trade-offs: comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas. Energy Economics, 55:127-134.
- Czajkowski, M., and Sobolewski, M., 2016. How much do switching costs and local network effects contribute to consumer lock-in in mobile telephony? Telecommunications Policy, 40(9):855-869.
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C., Czajkowski, M., Falk-Petersen, J., Hanley, N., and Navrud, S., 2015. Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: Preserving cold-water corals in Norway. Ecological Economics, 112:53-67.
- Barbier, E. B., Czajkowski, M., and Hanley, N., forthcoming. Is the income elasticity of the willingness to pay for pollution control constant? Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Czajkowski, M., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Budziński, W., Hasler, B., Hasselström, L., Meyerhoff, J., Nõmmann, T., Semeniene, D., Söderqvist, T., Tuhkanen, H., Lankia, T., Vanags, A., Zandersen, M., Żylicz, T., and Hanley, N., 2015. Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea. Journal of Environmental Management, 156:209-217.
- Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., and LaRiviere, J., 2014. The Effects of Experience on Preferences: Theory and Empirics for Environmental Public Goods. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(1):333-351.
- Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., and Greene, W. H., 2014. Learning and fatigue effects revisited. Investigating the effects of accounting for unobservable preference and scale heterogeneity. Land Economics, 90(2):323-350.
- Czajkowski, M., Buszko-Briggs, M., and Hanley, N., 2009. Valuing Changes in Forest Biodiversity. Ecological Economics, 68(12):2910–2917.