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2025-01-27 – 'Willingness to pay for landscape benefits: Examining variation by landscape type in Lower Silesia, Poland' forthcoming in Ecological Indicators
This study reveals that residents in Lower Silesia, Poland, value increased forest coverage and nearby landscape services, with preferences varying across urban, suburban, and rural areas.
2024-10-21 – 'Multi-country perspectives on best practices and barriers to preference elicitation lab-in-the-field experiments with farmers' forthcoming in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
This study provides comprehensive guidelines for conducting preference elicitation experiments with farmers, based on insights from REECAP network researchers. It highlights the importance of understanding farmers' decisions to design effective agricultural policies.
2024-09-19 – 'Assessing the Substitutability of Mobile and Fixed Internet: The Impact of 5G Services on Consumer Valuation and Price Elasticity' forthcoming in Telecommunications Policy
We investigate consumers' preferences for home fixed, home mobile, and mobile internet services, focusing on how the introduction of 5G technology may impact demand elasticity and the substitutability between fixed and mobile internet. The findings reveal a moderate substitution effect, suggesting that while 5G may enhance mobile internet's appeal, fixed and mobile internet services should remain separately regulated due to distinct demand patterns.
2024-07-16 – 'Who Can Predict Farmers’ Choices in Risky Gambles?' forthcoming in Q Open
The paper explores the predictability of farmers' risk preferences in various European agricultural systems by surveying 561 farm advisors, experts and other stakeholders. It compares these predictions to actual behavioral data, finding that while individual predictions vary significantly, average expert predictions are close to the farmers' actual responses. The study also tests different incentive mechanisms for predictions but finds minimal impact on prediction accuracy.
2024-04-08 – 'On the inference about a willingness-to-pay distribution using contingent valuation data' forthcoming in Ecological Economics
The paper advocates for a more flexible approach to parametric modeling of Willingness To Pay, showcasing its advantages using data from two large Contingent Valuation studies. We highlight that optimal parametric specifications often vary and can deviate from commonly used distributions, underlining the importance of selecting the best-fitting models for accurate WTP estimates.